Posts tagged ‘photographer royal oak michigan’

Dinosauria 2009 – Detroit Michigan Child Photographer

My younger son’s class took a field trip to the Detroit Zoo a few days before they got out of school. 

detroit child photographer

One of the things that we got to do was see the dinosaurs, and to be honest, I was a little nervous as to how the kids were going to react.  I remember going to see a dinosaur exhibit when I was about 6, and it was SCARY!  It was in a dimly lit room which seemed scary enough on its own, but then you add huge creatures with sharp teeth, making loud mean sounds and it becomes a lifetime memory, and not necessarily in a good way.  So, as I said before, I was a little nervous about how the kids would react…

detroit zoo dinosauria

(The dinosaur featured above spit water, which my son thought was awesome!)

Well, I must say that the Dinosauria Exhibit at the Detroit Zoo was a great way for the kids to experience these amazing creatures. 

detroit child photographer 

When we first went down the path I kind of felt like I was walking into the Jurassic Park movie.  (You know, in the beginning of the movie before everything changes…)  It was sunny, it was inviting, and I am happy to report that I did not hear one scared or crying child the whole time we were there. 

detroit child photographer

Each dinosaur had a sign that taught you some things about it, and there were even a few carts that had different things that the kids could see, and touch.  They thought that it was neat to see how big a dinosaur claw was compared to how big their hand was.

detroit child photographer

One of the knowledgeable staff members told us that the Iguanodon was the first dinosaur bones to ever be discovered, and that the man in England that discovered the bones thought that it looked like a large Iguana.  And that my friends is how the Iguanodon got it’s name!

detroit zoo dinosauria

After you visit all of the dinosaurs, there are some sand tables where you can discover dinosaur bones.

detroit childrens photographer

They even have some tables and chairs that you can sit at to take a break, or have a snack.

detroit lifestyle photographer

Luckily for me, I didn’t have any children with the “gimmes”, because the exit out of Dinosauria is through the gift shop 😉  

All in all, it was a great experience, and for those of you that are interested in going, the exhibit is open until Labor Day.

(There is an injured triceratops in the exhibit, and there was one dinosaur that had been caught by another.  Some children may be bothered by that part, but it is also a good teaching example about dinosaur life.)

I hope that your summer has been filled with sunshine, lollipops, happiness, and love!

June 30, 2009 at 1:26 pm 4 comments

Little Mr. J – Michigan Kids Photographer

Little Mr. J has a sweet, yet slightly serious personality.

michigan child photographer

But inside of that serious little guy there is also a playful, and silly side!

michigan child photographer

Little Mr. J wants to be Superman when he grows up, and even though I gave him some great superhero names of his very own, he has decided to stick with plain old Superman 🙂

michigan child photographer

He even offered to save me when he grows up.  So I guess that makes him my hero, sigh… 

Hopefully his biggest fan won’t mind sharing him with the world!

michigan child photographer

Enjoy being 5 Little Mr. J, and I hope that your summer is filled with sunshine, lollipops, happiness, and love!  Especially since Kindergarten starts in the fall 😉

June 23, 2009 at 9:20 pm Leave a comment

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